Diabetes… Many have heard this word and know that "this disease is somehow related to sugar". Some people are afraid of getting sick, others don't care.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus is a group of endocrine diseases that develop due to insufficiency of the hormone insulin, resulting in hyperglycemia, a persistent increase in blood glucose levels.
The disease is characterized by a chronic course and disruption of all types of metabolism: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and sea salt. There are 2 types, each requiring a separate approach.
How do I know if I have diabetes?
Of course, the most accurate diagnostic methods are various blood and urine tests. Measuring the sugar level once is not enough, so if there is any suspicion, the doctor will certainly prescribe a series of tests for the patient to undergo.
What could cause such suspicions? The main symptoms are:
- Increased urine production caused by an increase in urinary pressure due to glucose dissolved in it (normally there is no glucose in the urine). It manifests itself with frequent and abundant urination, even at night.
- Constant and unquenchable thirst is caused by significant losses of water in the urine and an increase in the osmotic pressure of the blood.
- Constant and insatiable hunger. This symptom is caused by a metabolic disorder in diabetes, i. e. the inability of cells to absorb and process glucose in the absence of insulin (hunger in the midst of abundance).
- Weight loss (especially typical of type 1 diabetes) is a common symptom of diabetes, which develops despite patients' increased appetite.
Therefore, if you notice these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately!
What are the types of diabetes?
There are numerous classifications of diabetes mellitus based on various criteria. The main types of diabetes include type 1 and 2 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas is unable to produce insulin, which is responsible for the body's absorption of sugar, the so-called insulin-dependent type. As a rule, it is diagnosed in people under 30 years of age. Such patients are forced to receive insulin artificially (through constant injections).
Type 2 diabetes accounts for 85-90% of all adult diabetes cases and is most common among people over age 40; usually accompanied by obesity. It is especially important for these patients, as well as for people who have a family member with diabetes, to control their blood sugar levels.
The situation is complicated by the fact that, unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes appears gradually. You can feel bad for a long time and not even realize it. Often a person learns about his illness by chance, during an examination for a completely different reason.
Is there a risk group?
Yes, of course it is. Type 1 diabetes is often hereditary. The risk also increases with inflammation of the pancreatic tissue, after injuries and infections.
People at risk of developing type 2 diabetes are those whose parents had obesity and/or type 2 diabetes.
How to calculate if you are at risk of developing diabetes? It is necessary to measure the waist circumference and the circumference of the hips, divide the first indicator by the second. If the resulting value is greater than 0. 95 for men and 0. 85 for women, then you are at risk.
What complications does diabetes cause?
The main cause of chronic complications of diabetes is damage to the small blood vessels and peripheral nervous system. The walls of blood vessels and nerves suffer from excess blood sugar; penetrating into them, glucose is converted into substances that are toxic to these tissues. As a result, changes occur that disrupt the normal functioning of the organ, which has many small vessels and nerve endings. If the patient maintains blood sugar within acceptable values (6. 7-8. 0 mmol/l), no late diabetic complications occur.
The negative effects of diabetes have a strong impact on some organs and less on others, for example:
- Eyes: the retina is affected, diabetes can cause cataracts (clouding of the lens) and blindness (changes in the retina).
- Teeth: All oral diseases develop at an accelerated rate due to lack of blood supply. There are often cases when diabetes is detected in the dentist's office, where the patient comes with complaints of swollen gums and loose teeth.
- Heart - affected by diabetes; heart muscle changes, changes in blood vessels due to high cholesterol lead to coronary heart disease.
- Liver: When diabetes is poorly compensated, its normal functioning is disrupted and the liver becomes enlarged.
- The kidneys are directly affected by diabetes, resulting in diabetic nephropathy.
- Reproductive system. Diabetes in men leads to impotence; in women, spontaneous abortions, premature birth and intrauterine fetal death are possible.
- The process of pregnancy and childbirth is very complicated for diabetic women. Pregnant women suffering from diabetes mellitus need mandatory supervision of two specialists: an endocrinologist and an obstetrician.
- Legs and feet: Suffer from diabetes due to damage to blood vessels and nerves. Possible results are trophic ulcers, gangrene, loss of limbs. Additionally, feet and nails are prone to fungal diseases.
- Joints are more susceptible to processes such as salt deposition than those of a healthy person; furthermore, diabetic changes in the joints are possible.
- The circulatory system is directly affected by diabetes, which in turn gives rise to all the above-mentioned diseases. Blood pressure in diabetics is usually high. Note that an additional factor that stimulates blood vessel damage in diabetes is smoking.
Therefore, it is important to understand that only by taking control of diabetes and successfully compensating for it will it be possible to live a full life. In our country, as well as around the world, many people not only live with diabetes, but also achieve outstanding results: conquer mountain peaks, lead large organizations.
And there is no need to despair if you hear such a diagnosis - everything is in your hands!
Can we cure diabetes?
Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented a remedy that can completely cure a diabetic patient. Currently, its treatment in most cases is symptomatic and aims to eliminate the symptoms without eliminating the cause of the disease.
Patient education plays a very important role in diabetes compensation. The patient must understand what diabetes mellitus is, why it is dangerous, what he should do in case of sudden changes in blood sugar levels, how to avoid them, be able to independently control blood glucose levels and have a clear understandingof correct nutrition.
Should diabetes be treated?
Undoubtedly! It is important to understand that this disease will not disappear on its own. The most important goal in treating diabetes is to constantly monitor your blood sugar levels and keep them at the level recommended by your doctor.
If a person with diabetes approaches this problem responsibly, his health will be the same as that of a healthy person. Furthermore, the future prognosis in terms of complications, duration and quality of life will be favorable.
Is it difficult to control blood glucose levels?
In the modern world this is no longer a problem. If previously measuring blood sugar could only be done in a laboratory, now it is very simple to do it at home. High precision glucometers exist to measure glucose. They are compact, very easy to use and designed specifically for self-measurement of glucose levels. If necessary, you can find out your sugar level at home, at work, while traveling, etc.
The entire process literally takes a few seconds and requires only a drop of blood. The test strip sucks up a drop and the result appears on the screen.
Prevent diabetes
You must remember that the best way to protect yourself is constant prevention, which you can do yourself:
- Active lifestyle and weight control. Diabetes is directly related to obesity. Physical activity helps lower blood sugar and reduces the need for insulin.
- Correct nutrition. Eat foods rich in dietary fiber, which normalizes intestinal function and lowers cholesterol levels. These products include all fruits and vegetables, legumes, dairy products, nuts and others.
- Refusal of excessive consumption of flour products, sweets, pasta and bakery products. Eat bread made only with whole grains.
- Avoid stress and don't smoke. One of the causes of diabetes is stress and anxiety. Stress and smoking reduce the body's resistance to diabetes.
- Monitor your blood glucose levels regularly if you are over 40. It is also necessary to undergo sugar testing for those who tend to be obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle.